Reference Site

Trading business

Module Implement and customize, Sale, Purchase, Inventory, Barcode system, Interface with Lazada and shopee

E-Commerce Platform

Module Implement and customize, Interface with Flash Express an moomall application, Sale, Purchase, Inventory, Accounting

Construction business

Module Implement and customize, HR, Invoicing Portal

Service (Maid) business

Module Implement and customize, Service, Job

Logistics & shipping business

Module Implement and customize, Invoicing, Job Orders, Booking

Narrow web business

Module Implement and customize, Sale, Purchase, Inventory, Accounting, CRM, Helpdesk, Repair, Quality Control, Multi Company, Manufacturing

Retail business

Module Implement, Purchase, Inventory, Invoicing, POS (Point of sale), Stock Request, Manufacturing


Module Implement and customize, Budget system, Accounting Report,

Support and Maintenance

Health & Welfare System
Performance Management and Development System


Module Implement and customize,

Procurement system